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Mountain Bike Professional

Certificate I

The Mountainbike Professional certification integrates interpretive guide skills, Wilderness First Responder training and natural resource management with bike handling and mechanic skills. The student will spend time in both the classroom and on a variety of trail systems honing group management and bike-specific coaching skills for a career in the growing fields of mountain bike guiding, instruction and sustainable trail development.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
ENR 2150NAI Certified Interpretive Guide3
HLED 2010Wilderness First Responder4
OEAC 1288Mountain Biking1
OEAC 1380Outdoor Multisport1-3
ORTM 1100Bicycle Mechanic3
ORTM 2100Mountain Bike Skills Instructor 12
ORTM 2410Outdoor Leadership3

Total Credit Hours: 30



Professor of Outdoor Education and Leadership

Darran was a competitive adventure racer who switched to enduro and park riding in 2014. He has been a certified professional mountain bike coach for 10 years, teaching clinics for summer camps and bike festivals as well as college students. He is also an experienced trail builder who has worked for Redbull Rampage and maintains the bikepark at the ASI Trail Lab.

Adjunct Professor of Outdoor Education and Leadership

Stacy has been mountain biking for 30 years and coaching professionally since 2012. She has certifications from both the Bicycle Instructor Certification Program (BICP) and Professional Mountain Bike Instructors Association (PMBIA). She leads clinics around the Rocky Mtn West each year for Pedal Militia, the NORCO Dirt Series and Wydaho Rendezvous and the Jurassic Classic.